
Camille Panza / Cie Ersatz

From November 02 to November 16 - 2PM-6PM - 20'

Image of Hyperborée par Cie Ersatz


Selon les mythes, Hyperborée est une île fantasmée située aux confins du monde à la localisation inconnue. Pour découvrir ce lieu irréel, la compagnie Ersatz a concocté une expérience immersive mouvante qui nous fait voyager des profondeurs des mers du nord à la glace millénaire de la banquise jusqu’au plasma sidéral des aurores boréales. Un projet ovni qui s’inscrit dans la continuité de leur démarche artistique, entre illusion et matériaux à vue.

According to myth, Hyperborea is a fantastical island on the edge of the world, with an unknown location. It’s a place of the imagination, conducive to dreams and fantastical, mystical projections. It is said to be located in the far north, beyond the Arctic Circle, well beyond the reach of the cold Boreas, the north wind. This polar zone is also a perpetually shifting territory, strongly affected by the fluctuations of the living world, a geographical location that unites our artistic and technical interests.

Photo cie Ersatz


Memory Lane

Félix Luque / Íñigo Bilbao / Damien Gernay

From January 13 to February 17 (window showcase - visible 24/7)

Image of Piedra

“Memory Lane explores the childhood memories of Félix Luque and Iñigo Bilbao in Asturias (Spain). Using 3D scanning techniques, they digitalize a series of Landscapes: dead forests, beaches and rocks.

Working in real locations that have a profound meaning for them, the artists elaborate a fiction using consciously implausible elements.

The result is an extremely detailed reproduction of these places, but at the same time a ghostly, distant and incomplete representation, that gradually becomes a fiction. Together with Damien Gernay, the three artists elaborate a particular imitation of nature, which is captured with the most accurate precision allowed by current technology, and at the same time transform it into something consciously artificial.

By converting nature into data, the artists create a sculptural representation with its own physicality. Using 3D modelling software, CNC milling machines,mechatronics and electronic custom systems, they are able to create a completely different reality.

The result is a parallel existence, with its own behaviors and language, which no longer belong to the humans who imagined them, but to the machines that shaped them.”

Extract by Pau Waelder
